Welcome to the Clarity study

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The clarity study is looking for people to take part in a one-off phone or web conversation with a University of Leeds researcher.

What is the Clarity study?

We want to know what men and women (aged 55-80, who smoke or used to smoke cigarettes) and health care professionals, think of new patient information about NHS lung health checks.

Lung health checks are a new NHS pilot service being offered in some parts of the UK. These health checks aim to find lung cancer at an early stage when it is easier to treat.

Will use what you tell us to make patient information about lung health checks clearer.

Who is organising the study?

This study is run by researchers at the School of Medicine in the University of Leeds. The main researcher is Janet Tonge.

What do I have to do?

1. Contact Janet Tonge to find out more

Janet will tell you more about the study. You can decide if you want to take part or not.

2. Decide if you want to take part

If you decide to take part, Janet will arrange a one-off phone or internet call when it’s convenient for you. Janet will also send or show you a leaflet or webpages that describes what lung health checks are.

Your contact information will only be used for the purpose of arranging the interview. We won’t reveal your identity as a result of the research. You can read the University’s privacy statement here.

Participation is voluntary. We don’t have funding to pay for interviews, but you will be helping the NHS by helping us make patient information clearer.

3. Have a phone or video call

At the time of the phone or video call, Janet will ask you what you think of the information and for your views about lung health checks in general. There are no right or wrong answers.

The call will take between 30 minutes and an hour.